
I've been in a bit of a funk. I decided I needed a bit of a creative project so, I started taking a picture every day highlighting some of the colors I see. It's similar to what I did previously with a daily photo of my morning, evening and afternoon. 

Once I got started, a gauntlet was thrown down.  Don't use the same color twice. This means I'm naming my colors. It's all Benjamin Moore - Behr Paint names around here!  Ha! 

I didn't really consider how monochromatic the Arctic can be when I started. Lots of green, grey, blues.....with lots of rust on the boats!  I'm on Day 8 and it's already proven to be more challenging than I expected!

Challenging but fun.  


Here's a little sample of what I've got so far! 

If you wanna follow along you can find them on Instagram / Twitter - @nautiemermate - they go to FB too - Megan the Nautie Mermate.  

I'll try to post some here as I go along too.  

Arctic Happenings

Up in the Arctic...there aren't too many happenings.  Here's a little peak at what amounts to happenings these days. 


Big into the matcha these days. It's like sipping green goodness. I'm calling it tugboat hygge.  I also just officially made sipping tea a 'happening' so, now you know what we're dealing with here.  


Who knew that mosquitos were such a thing in the Arctic. I grew up in the tropics and I have never....I mean never ever ever....seen swarms of mosquitos like these. Look at this spider web!  ​


Clouds. They're gorgeous. So is that long low ground swell that really packed a punch. 


We had a little 'incident'. A 'smell' was detected in the freezer. Turns out the air was unable to circulate around the boxes of meat and we had a bunch of chicken....and sadly some sirloin steaks....thaw and begin to rot.  I had to individually cut open each piece of vacuum sealed meat and throw it over the side. Totally gross.  The seagulls strangely didn't touch the sirloin but went to town on the chicken. I shared it in my Instagram stories. If you don't go there you should. I share tons on Instagram. #justsayin


​There's been tons of dirt moving. Because that's what we do up here. There's been tons of sunshine. Because it's the Arctic, yo. 

Thats a wrap. Maybe there will be more of this to come. Also, fair warning. There might be some feelings getting shared. I've been saving them up. :)​

A Northerly Update

It's starting to get cold. Today we had little mini icicles on the railings - and it snowed! 

We spent two days last week in very heavy ice. It was intense, exhilarating, gorgeous and exhausting all at once.  

We are currently anchored and waiting in a safe harbor for the ice conditions to improve.  

It's incredibly hard to believe that it's August.  It seems like everyday feels a little more like winter.  I looked outside my window today and thought, 'I really hope we're out of here by mid-september'.   

I've been posting a lot of photos to Instagram but, I realize not all you lovelies can see them.  

Here's a mini look at what my Instagram feed is looking like!

Leader of the pack.  

Leader of the pack.  

Tugboat friends! 

Tugboat friends! 

A pan of ice along the hull while underway. 

A pan of ice along the hull while underway. 

Mini icicles in August! 

Mini icicles in August! 

I loaded these all from my phone - while I cringe to complain about the wifi (because...hello!  awesome!) - our connection is slow and spotty. Please excuse the lack of formatting!