Packing Light. Or not.

Do you know what I've never been accused of?  Packing Light. 


I'd love to say that after almost ten years at sea I'm a light packer but that couldn't be further from the truth.  For years I had to fly to meet my ships - most times flying Internationally - my luggage was severely restricted.  That being said, I was returning to the same ship over and over so I had a serious stash of goodies that I stored in a storage locker.  

I'd love to say that I had a list that I followed scrupulously but instead I usually fly by the seat of my pants.

See that blue backpack in front?  Wanna know what's lashed to the bottom?  Coffee and a milk frother.

See the target bag hanging off the red duffel?  Wanna know whats inside?  My work boots.  Because my bag was so stuffed I couldn't fit them inside!

See the orange duffel?  Full of food.  Oatmeal, nuts, dried mango, tea...

See the blue shopping bag in the back?  Christmas.  Lights, narcissus bulbs to force, candy to make goodie bags for the crew, a Gingerbread House Kit.  I mean come on, you can't go to sea for Christmas without a Gingerbread House Kit!

So what?  I didn't pack light.  I'm currently snuggled up in a flannel duvet cover (that took up a lot of room I'll have you know).  It's the little things.

Mettle Makers - GOING BIG

so blessed i can't contain it

I have favorite things about this blog.  Of course.  Some things I love sharing, some things I really think hard about before posting, sometimes it feels like pulling teeth when I sit down to write and sometimes, it just feels effortless.  One thing I always love is sharing are Mettle Makers.

The history of the Mettle Maker - somewhere around two years ago I got my first Chief Mates job.  I was frazzled.  To say the least.  I had quit a job without having anything lined up.  Somewhere around that time Bridget left a comment giving me kudos for mustering my mettle (I looked really, really hard for the original comment and just ran out of time).  The word mettle stuck with me and I decided to keep it around.

The word felt old fashioned and sweet.  It also felt so strong - it can't be a coincidence that it sounds like Medal and Metal.  


a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.

”the team showed their true mettle in the second half”

synonyms: spirit, fortitude, strength of character, moral fiber, resolve, resolution, backbone, grit, bravery, valor, daring, courage
— google

Before I knew it I was making mettle.   

I've decided it's about time I start making my own Mettle Makers instead of searching through Pinterest for images - and well, if I'm making them I better be sharing them!

My plan is to deliver them straight to your inbox as a thank you for being my friends!  You all have no idea how much you've helped me through the years.  Providing me with moral support, encouragement, a quiet listening ear and a judgement free zone to just figure things out.  I appreciate it more than I can effectively articulate.

If you think this sounds like fun or something that could perk you up every now and then please take the time to fill out the little form below to receive bi-weekly Mettle Makers in your inbox.

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I got a ship!

I just absolutely scored at the Union Hall.  

It's a good ship for me because I was just on the sister ship so I'll know my way around a little bit and, I'll also know the run.

I'm not looking forward to freezing temperatures in China but, a couple pieces of good gear go a really long ways.

I ship out on Monday - which gives me ample time to finish packing my sea bags.

i love how this photo divides the room into color and black & white naturally

i love how this photo divides the room into color and black & white naturally

(and trust me I need you can see my suitcase / sea bag situation is an explosion)

I'm just plain old tickled pink!!!!!!

Soulful Sunday :: Prayer Flags

prayer flags

The first time you see prayer flags backlit by the sun you do think they're magical.  You wonder who hung them  and you wonder what messages they sent into the breeze.  The more there are the more you feel like you're somewhere special.  Somewhere super charged.

I spent my days in Nepal looking for prayer flags.  If you looked out into the hillsides you could often times see canopies of them indicating a monastery.  If you were walking down the streets in Kathmandu you'd find them strung in the most random of locations.  If you went to a temple you could walk directly under them and watch them flap.

They're as elemental as their colors indicate.  Sky, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth.  The Tibetans believe that the mantras on the flags will be carried by the wind to promote good will and compassion.  I believe it too.

Aloha Friday v6 + Five Things

...It's Aloha work till Monday...da doobie doo da doobie doobie doobie doo....

Hilo Town & Rainbow

Maybe you were hoping for a song instead of a rainbow over Hilo town?  Yes?  (Click here for the original Aloha Friday song....cause it's the best one ever!)

Now let's do what the rest of the internet does on Friday - list Five Things!

1.  Jet.Lag.  I have never been struck so hard by Jet Lag!  I have felt like a walking zombie the last few days and really only just feel like I'm perking up.  This might be the perfect meme.

2.  I'm pretty sure my friends have been rolling their eyes about my 'big adventure'...I'm also pretty sure this New York Times article confirms it.

3.  One of the Kathmandu Girls had these Lululemon pants - and then everyone else went home and bought them - and love them - I'm having serious FOMO and think I might need to acquire some.  

4.  I went to Central Kitchen for dinner this week.  It really, really deserves a post of its own.  So really, I only told you that to brag because dude, dinner was delicious.

5.  I kind of want to apologize for not blogging in a while and, I kind of want to promise to jump on the band wagon soon but them I'm pretty sure this hilarious article would have my name in it.

Have a Fabulous Weekend Nautie Friends!!!!!