Night Photos :: A little ice.

The other night while at anchor, a pack of ice floated by.  I had started to forget how cold it was!  I haven't seen ice in the water since my days spent sailing in Alaska.  Granted, this was such a small amount of ice that it didn't even touch what we'd see in the Cook Inlet.  Either way, it was a little novel and helped break up the monotony of an anchor watch.  Combined with some moon light...and some anchor was quite picturesque!  




The Crank.

Towards the end of my rotation I tend to get a bit cranky.  Specifically, my last two or three days aboard.  I find myself on edge.  I'm a little bundle of stress, nerves and, tension.  Even though I know I'll feel this way it always amazes me.  It doesn't really seem to make sense.  I'm on the brink of going home!  I have things to look forward to!  Soon, I can make my own dinner and go out for a coffee; I can buy flowers for my house; I can sleep in! I think what happens is that I get focused on too many little details.  Am I leaving things in good order for my relief?  Did I remember to print that out for the Captain?  Did I send a follow up email to so and so?  Did I log all the changes to the charts?  Did I print new pages for the log books?  The list could go on forever...

While I'm focusing on all these little details I'm also packing and cleaning my room.  I'm trying to fit all the stuff I bought in port back into my never really works and invariably, I need to leave things work pants or boots.

I'm also trying to make plans shoreside.  Making plans to visit friends and figuring out an itinerary for myself.  Deciding when the best time to drive across the country is and whether or not I should go ahead and book my ticket to Hawaii.

Here's the catch:  I have no idea when I'm going home!

I thought I was going home three days ago....but, we still haven't left for the next port yet....which means that there was no way I'd make it.  In fact, the reliefs who flew out to meet us in the next port are still sitting in their hotel rooms.....and will be flying home tomorrow!  Sad Face!

What am I stuck with?!  Permanent crankiness and no travel plans! 

The thing is....I'd rather just not know that it was time to go home....that way channel fever would have no way of setting in.  It's easy to do 120 days aboard when you know that is what you're signing up for....

I've been trying to get myself to mellow out a simply being ready to leave (as in have everything in order) but not fixated on going home.  This is much easier said than done. 

In the meantime, I'm just trying to manage the crank....and not worry about my lack of travel.....or that I haven't booked my ticket to Hawaii yet!

Dolphins at Sunrise


A few mornings ago, there were dolphins everywhere.  They were lazy dolphins...coming to the surface very slowly showing a little fin and then dipping back down just below the surface of the water.

I tried so hard to take pictures of them!  It was nearly impossible!  There was no rhyme or reason to how they were coming to the surface - or where they'd come next.  I just had to be patient - point and shoot - and hope things were fairly straight! 

There is something so soothing about watching dolphins move about.  Even when they aren't being frisky and playful it's hard to take your eyes off of them.  I was so surprised to see dolphins this far north - and I wondered if they were moving slowly to conserve energy and body heat....the water temperature is about 7 degrees Celsius.

It was a treat. 

Enjoy some photos of a packed anchorage, some sunrise shots and dolphin 'puddles'!

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Nautie Tidbits :: Procrastination, Chocolate and Hot Dogs

You know what always amazes me?  The amount of panic I feel when I realize that I'm about to receive travel instructions to depart the vessel.  You'd think after doing almost 90 days aboard I'd be counting down the days and would be expecting it.....and I am.....but then suddenly the Captain gives me an itinerary and it becomes real.....and then I think, 'Damnit Megan!  Why are you such a freakin' procrastinator?!'....and then, I run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to tie up ten million loose that my relief doesn't think I'm a douche bag.  It happens every single time. You know what else happens a lot?  I get my travel plans for home and then they fall through.  Sometimes (as in this time) it feels like a relief when there is some sort of delay.  It means that I can regroup and catch my breath and tie up those loose ends! 

You know what the best kind of delay is?  The kind at anchor.  That's the kind I'm experiencing now.  Rushing from port, to port, to port allows zero time for loose end tying.

In a nutshell?  I got lucky.

Here are a few Nautie Tidbits....

  • Apparently International Woman's Day is a really big deal in the Ukraine.  The Women take four days off!  Four Days!  When the Pilot came aboard he asked the Captain, 'How many Womens do you have aboard?'.  The Captain replied, 'Two many!'.  (Get it?  There are two of us...)  Anyways, the Pilot ended up giving me a bar of really nice dark chocolate as a Woman's Day present!  Kinda cool!
  • When the Russian boarding party arrived to clear us for Customs they requested 'American Hot Dogs'.  It blew my mind.  Apparently they love American Weiners.....who knew?!
  • I was able to upload corrections to the electronic chart system with no error messages!  I can't even begin to describe what a success this was and how amazing it feels!  WIN!  I had been sending emails to everyone I could thing of....the supplier, the hydrographic offices, the manufacturers.  You know who finally solved my problem?  An old instructor.  Teachers are the best.
  • I didn't get ashore in the Ukraine - total bummer.  The good news is that Travel Buddy did go ashore....and he came back bearing gifts!  We officially have real beans on the bridge again!  The kind you can grind and use with the french press.  Yum-o!

Those, Nautie Friends are the highlights of my last 3 or 4 days.  I have more to share though!  There are photos on my computer!  (I know, I know, you're tired of hearing about it....)  Pictures soon!