Nautie Randomness IV

Wanna know what China has a lot of in addition to humans?  Flies. I took my smoothie to the bow as we were coming into port yesterday. I quickly slurped it down and then had a dirty smoothie cup. (I should mention I was swatting flies away from my head as I was slurping...)  When finished I set the cup down and pretty soon the rim was covered in flies. Then the whole cup was covered in flies. Then they were all stuck in the bottom. It was pretty sweet to not have the flies zooming around my head (since they were busy getting fat) but ummm...grooooosssss!!!!!!!  (It was so gross I decided to include a photo of my fly infestation progression because...obviously.)

China is just one big industrial machine. I don't know what else to say. Other than to tell you that I have black crunchy boogers due to poor air quality. You're welcome.  

I paid for high speed international data. I'm currently injecting the Internet intravenously which means I just blew up Instagram and Twitter. I'm running wild with #sleepinglongshoreman. Sailor friends, you should contribute!  (Swearing ahead) Everytime I snap a picture of them sleeping I hear a clip from The Honey Badger in my head 'look at that sleepy little fuck...'  Also, if you haven't seen The Honey Badger then you haven't been living life. That ish is like two years ago. 

You know what I really appreciate?  The fact that no ones asked me about Nautie Books. Thank you friends. It will be back someday but it needed a time out....and maybe a little change?

....and that's all she wrote. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I'm putting China in the rear view mirror today which means it's definitely a good day around here! 

Gross photo as promised:

progression of my fly colony...

progression of my fly colony...

Primordial Ooze

I've realized that all that cheap Chinese shit we keep buying isn't really all that cheap. There's a price to pay....and Mother Nature seems to be the one paying it. 

If there was ever a place in the world where primordial ooze actually existed it would be China.

Steaming through huge drifts of bright green seaweed I couldn't help but wonder if it was actually some toxic byproduct of some incredibly unethical production plant somewhere.  

Instead I decided to just enjoy the bright green next to the blue and the novelty of sailing through what looked like a golf course.  

Seaweed Sighting

M.L.I.S.W :: I Saw A Ghost

Sitting on the bow outbound from port I had a decidedly weird conversation. 

First off, I mention sitting on the bow fairly often between this lovely blog and all my other social media vices. What do I do on the bow you might be wondering... 

My primary purpose is to drop the anchor in case of an emergency. I also act as a lookout...little boats, etcetera. On this ship I'm on the bow with an unlicensed sailor who is actually acting as lookout and I'm mostly just there in case of emergency.  

Segue to weird conversation between two sailors sitting on the bow... 

We have a couple minutes of shipboard related chit chat - who's got the next watch - when will we be in the next port - blah blah blah. 

Then there is blissful silence. Misty Pusan is behind us and buoys and coasters are ahead of us. There's a nice little breeze and overall it's just a pleasantly simple evening.  

Then out of the blue my partner on the bow whips around to face me and says... 

Lookout:  I saw a ghost today.  

Me:  oh yeah? 

Lookout:  yep. I was walking past the tool room and I saw an apparition and then I heard a tool drop...I just figured it was the bosun.  

Me:  mmmhmm  

Lookout:  but then the chief mate walked by and asked if I'd seen the bosun - I said oh yeah he's in the tool room - the mate said no one was in there and that's when I was a ghost.  

Me:  mmmhmmm

Lookout:  I see things sometimes. They're attracted to my energy. They must know in sensitive.  

Me:  mmmmhmmm

Lookout: like when I was home last time and the scrubber in the bathtub fell off the shelf. I knew then too.... 

Me: well. I hope it was a friendly ghost.... 


Sitting on bits talking about's a new one for me...

Nautie Randomness III

I don't have too many random things to say. That's pretty random. 

​It was an incredibly foggy trip from Alaska to Asia. I've said it before I'll say it again. Fog makes people crazy. 


​I haven't taken Big Bertha out at all this trip. What's wrong with me?!  I miss that old girl. I gotta get back in my groove!

When we were up in Alaska the Captain and some of the crew caught tons of fish!  We had fresh fish tacos and ceviche for dinner - yum!​


I am getting kinda into weather. I've been having fun printing out the weather maps and putting them up on the board to get a good feel for what's to come. Pretty much what came this trip was fog, rolling and then lots of wind. I'm looking for sunshine!


That's about it for this random post....where's the action?!  Where's the excitement?!  Oh're not the only one wondering this!  I've got some bold moves coming I'm saving up some energy...I'll keep you posted Nautie Friends!