Fresh Off The Press :: Nautie Books!

Remember the 30x30 list (if you need a refresher feel free to check it out!)?  It's beginning to weigh heavily.  30 is right around the corner. Want to know which task I'm finding particularly daunting?  9.  Read Anna Karenina

Maybe it's because this one is seemingly 'easy'.  It confronts me everytime I open my e-book reader.  I read often so this constant confrontation is becoming a bit of a bummer!

I started thinking about my list pretty hard while I was on watch today.  I pulled it out and started beating myself up over the fact that I've only completed three of my assigned tasks!  Then I started beating myself up for beating myself up.

Then I saw number 21.  Join a book club.

Reading is something that I love.  Truly love.  I have always been into books - reportedly, I was even into books as a baby and, I know for certain that I was potty trained with the help of books - my parents would lure me to the john with my favorite book 'the bird book' (which I still have by the way).

The more I thought about books the less I began to beat myself up.

I started thinking about the book I'm currently reading:  Wild By Cheryl Strayed.  (If you'd like to read it you can find it here.)  This women hiked the Pacific Crest Trail solo (hello number 3).  Shes 'effin rugged and I think she may know a thing or two about beating up of ones self and how much a waste of time it is.   For the record, this is hands down one of the best books I've read in awhile - everything she says I think, 'ohmygodmetoooooo!!!!'.

I decided I'm going to quit wasting time.  Why join a book club when I could start a book club?

Nautie Friends!  I'm pleased to invite you to join Nautie Books - the Nautie Mermate's official book club!

Here are the rules:

anyone can join.  any book may be selected (although, i hope we can choose books by consensus).  the book must be available in electronic format.  the book doesn't have to be nautical. 

Hopefully we'll be able to reach a consensus in the comments section.  Here are some of my selection ideas:  Open City by Teju Cole; Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson; The Paris Wife by Puala Mclain; Room by Emma Donoghue.

Does anyone have a selection idea?  Would anyone like to suggest a finish date?  Does anyone have any book club rule suggestions?

(note - I currently don't have a 'Nautie Books' page - in the meantime I'll categorize all related posts as Nautie Books to track our progress and make posts easier to find.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at